This page will be updated leading up to Black Friday 2020 (on 27th November 2020) as soon as retailers start offering their deals on mattresses.
Buying a mattress is a really important task.
We really do go on about it quite a lot throughout this website, but don’t forget you will spend a third of your entire life lying on one!
Buying a good mattress can have wondrous effects for your wellbeing, health and happiness.
We test out and review mattresses throughout the year and keep a keen and close on eye on the market and prices. We know when a deal is good, or simply put, not really a deal at all.
This Black Friday and Cyber Monday we are pleased to provide you with honest, reliable and trustworthy advice on the best Black Friday mattress deals in the UK (and Cyber Monday)
Amazon Black Friday Mattress Deals:
Amazon are wonderful for Black Friday deals and mattresses are no exception, here is a list of Amazons offering for Black Friday 2020:
(Note, this list will be updated with deals mentioned nearer to Black Friday 2020)
Tempur Mattress Black Friday Deals:
We think a Tempur mattress is worth its weight in gold, having slept on one for over 3 years, it basically cured our back pain and has been like sleeping on a cloud every night. We cannot recommend Tempur enough! (See our review here)
See Tempur Black Friday 2020 Deals here
Simba Mattress Black Friday Deals:
Deals coming soon, this information will be published once deals from this retailer are visible and available.
Casper Mattress Black Friday Deals:
Deals coming soon, this information will be published once deals from this retailer are visible and available.
Bensons Black Friday Deals:
Deals coming soon, this information will be published once deals from this retailer are visible and available.
Tips for Finding the Best Deals:
Many retailers take advantage of the frenzy of consumer spending around Black Friday and customers can be fooled into buying items that aren’t any cheaper than usual. In certain circumstances, items can be slightly more expensive than usual!
At Sleepy Guru, we are constantly keeping an eye and checking on the Mattress market so you can be confident that any deal we have recommended is a good one. If a deal is not really any different to normal deals seen, we will say this. If it seems a better deal than usual, this will be highlighted.